Altcoin & Stablecoin

2 min readAug 7, 2021

Hi, this is clarisco welcome to our article.

“Lets we discuss some interesting topics, I know you people are very curious to see about them.”

Let move on to this.

2day we see about Altcoin and also a Stable coin.

We know bitcoin, but what is Altcoin, and what is a Stable Coin?


An Altcoin is abbreviated as an Alternative coin. First, we know that the altcoin is not a bitcoin. This is a cryptocurrency.

Examples of Altcoins are Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, etc.

Nowadays the Altcoin makes a difference from Bitcoin.

Here the Litecoin makes a transaction faster than bitcoin.

The Altcoins like Dash, Monero are mostly focusing on anonymity.

Each Altcoin makes a unique thing and it makes the transaction virtual.

Most of them know that bitcoin is mining from the SHA-256 algorithm.

But Litecoin is mining from which algorithm?

I wanna tell you some secret ones (Litecoin is mining from the Scrypt algorithm).

In today’s market, there is 1000 Altcoin are introduced.

Some uniqueness of the stablecoin & the Altcoin are both of them are cryptocurrencies not bitcoin.


One of the popular and highly knowable stablecoin is DAI, which is created by MarkerDAO. Here anyone can generate, buy or sell the DAI.

Stablecoins are such as Tether(USDT) and this is the digital currency.

The users of the stable coins are enjoyed because the transaction is faster and also there is low price fluctuation.

Stablecoin is good to store its value with low volatility.

At present time there are 200 stablecoins are available.

Some major items are (USDT, USDC, Fiat-backed stablecoin, True USD, etc.).

The stablecoin provides the stability in the cryptocurrency market.

